Sharing some snippets over a cuppa (in six words)
Tough week - felt a little stressed
Kindness is my word for K
We all need a little Kindness
Kindness comes in so many ways
Best are random acts of kindness
- A lunch date with a friend
- Inspirational quotes on various soical media
- Nice words from colleagues at work
Hope you've had a kind week
And now for some trees
Last week I posted some pictures of the Pohutakawa tree (Tree Love #4) and some wished they could see it in bloom.
So here are some pictures of the Pohutakawa in bloom. It blooms in Summer and is also called the NZ Christmas tree. It's a very pretty tree. Streets look very pretty and colourful with all the Pohutakawa's in bloom.
Written for:
The letter K at ABC Wednesday
Six Word Saturday #420
Thursday Tree Love #5
Linking to:
Wordless Wednesday
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