Sunday, May 26, 2013

This Moment - 6WS - SIMC - I never knew ...

Then suddenly something catches your eye

So often we walk around oblivious to our surroundings. There are things we see and things that just seem to vanish before our eyes.

Then suddenly something catches your eye ...

I've walked down this street thousands of times and was oblivious to the many interesting things scattered around.

I never saw this, never knew it existed.

 I learned something that day - try to be more observant. It's the little things that bring us great joy.

Cuba Street, Wellington.

This is the moment 
This is the time 
When the momentum and the moment
Are in rhyme
Give me this moment 
This momentous moment ..
(from Jekyll and Hyde)

 Linking to: 
 This Moment - Soule Mama  
A single photo capturing a moment 
A simple, special, extraordinary moment 
A moment I want to pause, savour and remember

Unknown Mami



  1. Yes it is the littlest of things that matter most, it seems, and they can be gone in a blink of an eye, which is why, as you have said, we must be observant. Who wants to miss a magical moment? Not I!

    1. Thanks Ruth. I don't want to miss those magical moments either. :)

  2. I always have my camera in my pocket, Suzy. Even the time I left it there when I washed my pants. That is how I got my new camera.

    Cuba Street looks interesting. I am not sure when we were there this December whether or not we visited Cuba Stree. We did visit the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa in the morning. Then we walked over to the Cable Car entrance, went up, walked around and saw the city from above, and then walked down through the botanical gardens.

    Wellington is a beautiful city but it sure was windy. Whew!!

    1. Hi Jim,
      I'm sure you walked down Cuba street - it's in the heart of the city and if you walked from Te Papa to the cable car, you must've have crossed Cuba street.
      Yes, Wellington is a spectacular city but very windy. In fact it's blowing a gale as I write!

  3. Love the color of those letters, Suzy. I'm wondering about the background to the name of the street. Are there a lot of Cubans in New Zealand?

    1. Hi Corinne, good question.

      According to It was named after the ship Cuba, which arrived on January 4 1840.

      I'm sure there are some Cubans here but none that I know of.

  4. geez... you have been to Cuba too... you are one well travelled person I must tell ya ... as if you didn't know but still :P

    you know ever since I got the camera bug... I see so many things that I used to earlier miss... now only frames occupy my brain :P

    1. Hi Dhiren, yes I've been to Cuba - Cuba Street Wellington :D

      I love my cameras too. At least one travels with me wherever I go!

  5. So true! I always wonder later on - "how come I never saw this before?!"
    Those lines from Jekyll and Hyde are so apt!!

    1. Always amazes me what I see when I wander my city like a tourist.

  6. This is so true. So much beauty we 'tune out' every day because it is all around us. Great reminder, thank you!

    1. Thanks Sarah. Nicely put by you - we do tune out and take our surroundings for granted.

  7. I relate to what you have said. I was oblivious to the butterflies till I got Luci my pup. Taking her out often I started noticing them, clicking them.. and now with the DSLR, I have started noticing all the birds in the vicinity. I wonder and wonder how I could have missed their tweets and calls all this time.
    Love the way you noticed and presented this. :)

    1. Thanks Shail. Every now and then I take a day off and just wander my city with my camera - just like a tourist. I find something new each time. No DSLRs for me - just point and shoot Canon and Nikon. They're good enough and they take some absolutely amazing pics.

  8. That's why holidays are so good because then we do seem to notice more, when we're at home we seem to miss those things around us. We need to be more in the moment and observant to what is around us

    1. So true Fiona. I notice a lot more now that I carry my camera around. And every now and then a friend and I just wander my city and notice new things. Great fun too. Thanks for dropping by.

  9. That's why I love Unknown Mami's SIMC...because it forces me to be more observant of my surroundings and lets me discover things I would have missed.

    1. Me too Dorothy. I enjoy SIMC and This Moment - both have made me discover new things.

  10. Replies
    1. You are welcome Emily. thanks for dropping by.

  11. So true! This happens to me much too often.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend. ☺

    1. Thanks Dana. Now that I'm more observant, this happens a lot to me too.

  12. I am guilty of that as well. A very nice photo.

  13. I think the little things are the best part of life :)

    1. They sure are Arianna. Thanks for visiting.

  14. An author that I like used to post on a weekly basis about something new she discovered on her way back and forth to work. She deliberately watched for those small items that most of us overlook.

    The writing curriculum most often used in our younger grades promotes the concept of "small moments". The idea is to focus not on the big adventures in our lives, but those daily events that most of us consider routine.

    Yes, we should all slow down and pay attention. There's much beauty and even intrigue in the little things.

    1. Hi Allison. Unfortunately as we grow older our focus from those small moments start to fades. Education should continuously reinforce that concept. Thanks for visiting.

  15. It is amazing what we see when we really look!

  16. I, too, never cease to be amazed at how we tend to overlook things all around us, little special surprises that delight us. We need to slow down, stop thinking about too many things at once, and fully participate in the moment at hand! This bit of brightness in your street view made me smile!

  17. So true -- beautifully said :) Love the picture, it looks like a nice place to stroll.

    1. Thanks Kayleigh. It is a nice place to walk around.

  18. True... Can relate to this so much. Few days ago, when I went out to click a Mailbox for a Photo Challenge... I saw so many of them on my way and I never knew, they have been standing there for a long long time!

    1. Thanks Shilpa. So many things we take for granted.

  19. There is much to be appreciated in the details... if only we all would stop by n smell the flowers on our way home :)

    1. True Bhavya - we are always in a hurry getting from one place to another. We should take time to savour nature.

  20. True!
    Every time i turn at my street bend I see a new thing ;)
    I read on some blog today if only stars appeared once in 100 days we would have appreciated them a lot

    1. That is true Afshan. I did a lot of start gazing when I lived in India. The sky here is usually cloudy so start gazing can be rarely done.

  21. Loved this, Suzy! I always carry a camera and enjoy the little things! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Vidya. I also carry my camera everywhere.

  22. I had a moment like that recently and they really are special aren't they?

    Have a great week!

  23. That is so true, and sometimes a pretty flower has popped on the side of the road, or a bird comes to say hello :).

    Our linky party is on at:

    It'd be lovely if you could come and share your moments and photos.


    1. Thanks BiTi. I have linked in. Thanks for inviting me.

    2. Thank you Suzy, you made our day :)

  24. We miss so much at times. I love the bright red sign.

    1. So true. We just walk by lost in our own world.


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