Sunday, August 25, 2013

Smoke in the air

Something accidentally burning - or deliberately burnt?

What an absolutely beautiful day it is today. The sun is shining, it's warm and still. I can't believe we are still in Winter (tail end of it anyway) and I'm wearing a T-shirt today. Or maybe it's already clocked over into Spring! The seasons have a mind of their own.

The garden was so tempting today. It looked so colourful and pretty so I thought I would spend some time in it and enjoy nature.

And then I looked up and saw smoke in the distance. I wondered if the fire was accidental or deliberately lit - like burning leaves or something as land there is all farm land. I hope it was controlled burning. 

It's been put out now so I guess it was either caught in time or was in fact deliberate and controlled burning.

It truly is an amazing day today. So many interesting things to see. There are sheep and cows on the hills. It's been a while since I saw them. Perhaps they were sent out because of the fire. I can also hear some ducks quacking (sounds more like squawking) but I can't see them anywhere.  

I was also looking through some archives for the Thursday Challenge prompt "Animals". But I've already posted most of them and the remaining just didn't go with today's theme. I thought I might have to give this prompt a miss, and then I suddenly saw the sheep and cows. Perfect for the theme. The Universe obliges again!  :D

I had to zoom in a lot for these pics so not very clear.  But ...

Here are the sheep 
And here are the cows
This is the moment 
This is the time 
When the momentum and the moment
Are in rhyme
Give me this moment 
This momentous moment ..
(from Jekyll and Hyde)

 Linking to: 
A single photo capturing a moment
A simple, special, extraordinary moment 
A moment I want to pause, savour and remember

Thursday Challenge
Prompt - "ANIMAL" (Pets, Wild, Herds, Flocks,...)
and guess what, next week's prompt is Fire!

Unknown Mami



Sunday, August 18, 2013


I saw the long white cloud

Last week there were many moments - some to be remembered and some to be forgotten.

I definitely want to forget the big earthquake that shook Wellington on Friday afternoon that sent the city into a state of panic and rattled many nerves. Won't go into that here but you can read my post on my blog Someday Somewhere.

And I definitely want to remember This Moment that I captured on my camera last Wednesday as I walked home from the bus stop.

The Maori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa (pronunciation here) which means "The land of the long white cloud".

That Wednesday those words flashed through my mind as I saw the "long white cloud". It actually curved right around the horizon as far as I could see but unfortunately I only captured this view. The sun was setting so had to be real quick.

So here it is - the long white cloud (Not quite white in my picture, but long nevertheless.)

This is the moment 
This is the time 
When the momentum and the moment
Are in rhyme
Give me this moment 
This momentous moment ..
(from Jekyll and Hyde)

 Linking to: 
 This MomentSoule Mama 
A single photo capturing a moment 
A simple, special, extraordinary moment 
A moment I want to pause, savour and remember

Thursday Challenge
"Blue" (Sky, Flowers, Hair, Water, Clothing, Vehicles, Houses,...)

Unknown Mami



Saturday, August 10, 2013

Purple Carrots

Everyone stopped to see purple carrots!

The Saturday morning market was very crowded today. I guess because it was a really sunny Winter day and not so cold as Winter days are.

And then suddenly I came across purple carrots. I have never seen purple carrots ever before. Have you? They were the most viewed vegetable this morning. Just about everyone who passed by stopped and had a look and just about everyone exclaimed "Purple carrots!".

Someone explained that they turn red when you boil them so obviously he must've had them before. My friend bought a couple so will have to find out from her what she thought of them. Unfortunately I'm allergic to carrots (yep, a very strange allergy) so gave them a miss. Besides which they didn't really look very appetizing and were very pricey at $3.99 per kg.

But I did take a picture. So here it is ... purple carrots.

This is the moment 
This is the time 
When the momentum and the moment
Are in rhyme
Give me this moment ...
(from Jekyll and Hyde)

Sharing another aspect of my city - a rainy day in Wellington. And as usual I've never noticed the colourful "umbrella" until I saw this picture in my archives! Will have to drop by and check it out.

 Linking to: 

 This Moment - Soule Mama
A single photo capturing a moment 
A simple, special, extraordinary moment 
A moment I want to pause, savour and remember

Thursday Challenge - prompt:
"RAIN" (Rain, Clouds, Umbrella, Splashing, Water Dripping/Flowing,...)

Unknown Mami



Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wellington Central Library

Thinking like an architect isn't easy!

This morning my son and I sat down after breakfast to talk about his assignment for Uni. He has to design a monument so we were throwing about some ideas together.

Some architectural feats are quite amazing to look at but so much of creative and logical thinking goes into it.

I am a logical thinker so the logic side of it comes easy - is this viable, is this symmetrical, is this sturdy etc etc.

But creative thinking - that was quite an eye opener for me - thinking in terms of what I want the viewer to imagine and experience and not taking a topic or idea in it's literal sense - all very confusing. Thinking like an architect is definitely not easy for me.

And as we're on the topic of architecture, my words this week for 6 Word Saturday ties in very nicely with the Thursday Photo Challenge prompt of "Modern" (Contemporary, Fashionable, Architecture, Interiors, Advanced, Cool,...)

So here it is ... The Wellington Central Library - Modern Architecture - quite interesting to look at.

Also showcasing this for Sunday's in my city

Not sure what the architect was thinking or what he wanted us to imagine - but I always think of water when I look at the building - bluish colour, bands and the curve.

Modern Architecture nestled among the old.

The main entrance
The pillars of the entrance made to look like Nikau palms.

Linking to:

Unknown Mami


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