Sunday, August 25, 2013

Smoke in the air

Something accidentally burning - or deliberately burnt?

What an absolutely beautiful day it is today. The sun is shining, it's warm and still. I can't believe we are still in Winter (tail end of it anyway) and I'm wearing a T-shirt today. Or maybe it's already clocked over into Spring! The seasons have a mind of their own.

The garden was so tempting today. It looked so colourful and pretty so I thought I would spend some time in it and enjoy nature.

And then I looked up and saw smoke in the distance. I wondered if the fire was accidental or deliberately lit - like burning leaves or something as land there is all farm land. I hope it was controlled burning. 

It's been put out now so I guess it was either caught in time or was in fact deliberate and controlled burning.

It truly is an amazing day today. So many interesting things to see. There are sheep and cows on the hills. It's been a while since I saw them. Perhaps they were sent out because of the fire. I can also hear some ducks quacking (sounds more like squawking) but I can't see them anywhere.  

I was also looking through some archives for the Thursday Challenge prompt "Animals". But I've already posted most of them and the remaining just didn't go with today's theme. I thought I might have to give this prompt a miss, and then I suddenly saw the sheep and cows. Perfect for the theme. The Universe obliges again!  :D

I had to zoom in a lot for these pics so not very clear.  But ...

Here are the sheep 
And here are the cows
This is the moment 
This is the time 
When the momentum and the moment
Are in rhyme
Give me this moment 
This momentous moment ..
(from Jekyll and Hyde)

 Linking to: 
A single photo capturing a moment
A simple, special, extraordinary moment 
A moment I want to pause, savour and remember

Thursday Challenge
Prompt - "ANIMAL" (Pets, Wild, Herds, Flocks,...)
and guess what, next week's prompt is Fire!

Unknown Mami




  1. I love taking pictures of animals but mine often come out blurry also!

    1. Hi Becca. Animals are fun to photograph. But sometimes they are just too far away!

  2. Great shots of the place. Nice shots of sheep's in the field.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Gattina. It is peaceful around here.

  4. You live at a beautiful place. What place is it?

    1. Hi Say Cheese. I live in New Zealand and yes it is a very beautiful country.

  5. Over here on our side of the world, the summer is just getting ready to end. I am not quite ready yet! : )
    I love the sheep dotting the hillside. So pretty.

    1. Thanks Life with Kaishon. And it's getting warmer here yay. Thanks for dropping by.

  6. I like the time between seasons. Your landscape appears so lush and inviting. Where do you live? Is it New Zealand?

    1. Hi Laurie, yes I live in New Zealand. The landscape at present is very green and lush.

  7. Beautiful. Being a Wisconsin girl I'm rather partial to the cows.

    1. Thanks Keetha. I like watching the cows from a distance of course :)

  8. It's always a little uncomfortable to see smoke and not know why. I love the pic of the cows.
    Have a great week!

    1. So true Traci - seeing smoke does make us feel uncomfortable. Enjoy your week too.

  9. That smoke pic is so bful ! ah I envy U for living in such a beautiful grassland and cool poem :)

    1. Thanks Afshan. The poem is not mine. It's from the song "This is the moment" from Jekyll and Hyde.

  10. A lovely serene ambiance captured so lovingly by your lens :)

  11. Lovely captures. The surrounding is so serene. Should be absolute bliss to be so close to nature :)

    1. Thanks Vaisakh. Yep, it is great to be surrounded by nature - countryside in the city. It's lovely here.

  12. Lovely photos. We have a fire in our area that is threatening our water supply. Wish us luck.

    1. Thanks Unknown Mami. Yes saw it on the news here. I hope you all are safe.

  13. Lovely captures from your place. I hope I will be able to visit some day.

    1. Thanks Indrani. New Zealand is definitely worth a visit.

  14. And it is wonderful surroundings that you live in Suzy ! And you have written so beautifully about them !

    1. Thanks Ruch. It is nice to see the hills. Glad you liked my post.


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