A single photo capturing a moment
A simple, special, extraordinary moment
A moment I want to pause, savour and remember
Focus on this moment -
There comes a time in your life when The Almighty takes over your life. 15 years ago I began my spiritual quest - trying to find the meaning of life, trying to connect with the Lord, trying to make sense of events in my life.
I always thought that it would be in times of despair and sadness that I would most fully connect with the Lord. That when you are down and out and the only lifeline available is that invisible connection to Spirit, the lifeline would be grabbed and realised. And believe me I've tried it over and over again as I sank deeper into despair and sadness. Obviously the Lord thought otherwise - that I had the strength to do it all on my own, for try as I did, I simply could not reach Him completely even though at the time I thought I did.
Then over the last 3 years I had dreams of the Lord, messages and blessings. And I felt great joy - again or so I thought.
Then yesterday I was led to this album - everywhere I googled, this album came up. I have learned that when things like that happen, they are Signs from Heaven and best heeded. So I bought it off iTunes - the album - Heart as wide as the world. What a revelation!
As I listened and chanted with Krishna Das, I suddenly had this amazing feeling, the only thing that came out of my lips was "Oh my Lord, I love you so much". It was like my soul burst open in love and flooded the Universe - heart as wide as the world. And it came at a time when I was at peace with myself, when I had truly surrendered my whole life to Him. And he sent his love down to me.
This is a moment I want to live forever. How do you capture it in a picture, so instead I've taken a picture of the album.
Thank You
Jessica (Ascending the Hills) for posting a youtube song from Krishna Das that led me to his music. And obviously I was meant to as the Lord himself sent me to get that album, that opened up my soul. There are no chance meetings - they are all planned by Him.
And in surrendering to Him completely, he sends his love.
This is the moment! Om Shanti - Peace be with you.
This is the moment
This is the time
When the momentum and the moment
Are in rhyme
Give me this moment
This momentous moment ...
(from Jekyll and Hyde)